Friendly atmosphere and savory menu at Gennaoui’s apartment
Joumana Gennaoui with Kay Karam, Suzanne Hindi, May Abi Fadl, Marcelle Zakka and Nay Debs.
In their beautiful apartment recently decorated with refined taste, Fadi and Joumana Gennaoui have invited their friends to a tasty dinner punctuated by exchanges full of humor. Pleasant moments spent in a friendly atmosphere where the charming hosts watched scrupulously to the comfort of their enchanted guests.
Gaby Abou Samra, Salim Zakka, Joumana Gennaoui Maroun Halif, Fadi Geahchan, Sami Karam and Fadi Gennaoui; Standing Joumana Gennaoui.
Tony Hindi, Nadine Geahchan and Joseph Adaimi; Standing Joumana Gennaoui. Zoha Hobelrih, Lily Liane, Marcelle Nadim and Carole Hammoud.
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