It is on Thursday February 2nd that Leila Bissat signed her book Of Whispers and Winds at Le Yacht Club, Zaitunay Bay, in the presence of VIP’s and social figures. This is the second book by travel writer Leila Amad Bissat, where she recounts her adventures in the Far East and South East Asia. She tells the stories behind souvenirs she collected on her trips and describes the region through her own eyes.
Rima Kassem, Rana Ghaziri, Mostapha Bissat. Walid and Sana Aridi.
Fadia Hamdane Maya Barbir and Layla Chammas
Hind Farchoukh Randa Soussi and Zahra Bissat
Nada Fattouh, Joumana Azar, Amal Saab and Shirine Daouk Amal Khoury and Sawsan Wazzan Jabri
Nina Chamaa and Samia Massoud Nivine Bouez and Nayla Sfeir
Roula Kronfol, Anwar El Alam Roula Kaaki, Ali Jaber, Mona Khoury
Nahida Naamani, Roula Kronfol, Awan Azhari and Zeina Chatila Nina Zaatari and Rima Tabbara
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