Mkritch Mazmanian, Gaby Bitarian, minister of Culture Ghattas Khoury, Laure d’Hauteville, Mher Atamian and Barkev Atamian in front of Panerai Boutique in Downtown.
The inauguration of Beirut Art Week took place on Tuesday September 19 in front of Le Gray Hotel, in the presence of the minister of Culture Ghattas Khoury, Laure d’Hauteville founder and manager of Beirut Art Fair as well as partners, galleries, artists and the media.
This much awaited event, that makes art accessible to all, is composed of 27 projects displayed in public spaces and in the most prestigious stores of Down Town, highlighting the cultural heritage of Beirut.
“The Middle Eastern Woman” by Mkritch Mazmanian, 2011, in resin. Courtesy Esquisse Gallery. This work is exhibited in front of Panerai Boutique. The brand has been a strategic partner with Beirut Art Week since four years.
Lama Karam, Fadia Abou Jaoudeh and Maria Nadim attending Panerai’s event.
Shohig Anserlian at the Panerai event.
Nicolas and Michèle Gharzouzi, minister Ghattas Khoury and Laure d’Hauteville at the Hermès boutique.
“Les trésors d’un artiste” by Pierre Marie, in silk. Exhibited at the Hermès boutique.
Elie Saab and Norma Naoum. Elie Saab presented his Prêt-à-porter collection for FW 2017/2018.
“Pine Tree” 2013, by Lee Gil Rae, in copper welding at Elie Saab boutique. Courtesy Opera Gallery.
Selection of sculptures in the streets of Down Town Beirut.
“Grand Gorille-Taureau”, by Mauro Corda, 2015, in resin. Courtesy Opera Gallery.
Sculpture by Randa Nehmé. Courtesy of the artist.
“Il était une fois”, by Randa Nehme. Installation in marble powder and resin. Courtesy of the artist. “Tête de Girafe-Cerf” by Mauro Corda, 2015. Sculpture in cast iron. Courtesy Opera Gallery.
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