SIN Sarakbi Nahas: Passion and Luxury of the Scarf

Prestige issue 264-265, July-August 2015

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Amar Sarakbi and Hala Nahas. © Archives Hala Nahas & Amar Sarakbi

How did you get this passion for the scarf? Hala Nahas: It is at  Montreal in 2004, that we have, Amar Sarakbi and I started our career. We had a shared passion for modern design. The result of this passion? The brand SIN Sarakbi Nahas, who was born ten years later, combining my professional skills as an architect, and the expertise of Amar in the luxury business. We created sumptuous large scarves, unique pieces that reveal our passion for design and fashion.

Why exactly did you choose the scarf? Amar Sarakbi: We want Hala and I to share our vision of the scarf. In fashion, it is the scarf that gives the final tone of the outfit. Although considered as the most versatile fashion accessory, we have added to it a refined artistic touch. Our pieces are modern and edgy. SIN style fits both male and female wardrobes.

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© Archives Hala Nahas & Amar Sarakbi

«The SIN scarf is a symbol of luxury and elegance.»

Describe for us the SIN scarf…Hala Nahas: SIN is a creation of high-end fashion, an accessory of superior quality that can transform an ordinary outfit in a total look. Worked with the finest materials such as chiffon, silk satin and cashmere blend for unisex pieces, SIN scarves are printed in digital mode in Italy for excellent quality, richness and splendor. We focus not only on their generous size and refined texture, but also on their characteristic designs and mix of colors. Individuality is sexy and SIN adds a unique touch that brings out the personal style.

Where do you get your inspiration? Amar Sarakbi & Hala Nahas: We get our inspiration from modern lines and forms. SIN scarves represent contrasting colors and impressive designs. Each piece has its own identity, while the nobility of Italian fabric gives it a touch of good «sinful»luxury. Moreover, for our first collection «Geo» we got inspired from bold geometric shapes united with a brilliant palette of colors. The complete collection of SIN creations is now available online.

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