Mymoune celebrated its 25th anniversary during a picnic lunch at Ain El Kabou. New products and labeling were unveiled to the guests, who enjoyed a delicious menu, enhanced by the personal touch of the great chef Greg Malouf.
Prestige issue 263, June 2015
This year, May 1st in Italy and especially in Milan was highly awaited and for a good reason: finally the famous World Expo around the theme «Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life», which will last until October 31st, would open its doors. Despite controversies, work stops due to mafia infiltration, etc. So what if the 50 pavilions spread over 1,000,000.00 m2,
Prestige issue 263, June 2015
From Monday June 1st to Friday June 5th, the Lebanese city of Tyre will be at honor in Washington D.C., in the United States. The International association for the safeguard of Tyre, headed by Dr Maha El-Khalil Chalabi, and the American committee for Tyre, organize on June 3rd
Prestige issue 263, June 2015
After a year’s absence, I arrive on the Croisette, in front of the festival’s palace, welcomed by the lovely smile of Ingrid Bergman on a giant poster. I remain a moment under the spell of the face of this beautiful actress who reminds me that of another actress,
To celebrate the launch of the new coffee machine with espresso capsules, the main producer of Espresso in Lebanon Barista Espresso, invited all media and founder of Barista Espresso at an all Italian brunch at the Terrace of La Posta restaurant in Achrafieh. The new machine available in red, black and military green, is designed specifically for offices and places of residence.
During a cocktail party held in the beautiful setting of Zaytounay Bay Yacht Club, Sami Dandan & Co, SADCO, known in the Lebanese market in the areas of import, trade and distribution of pharmaceuticals and parapharmaceuticals, launched the new Evyap personal care brand for men and women of all ages.
The Oriental club for the dialogue of civilizations, together with the municipality of Dekwaneh chaired by lawyer Antoine Chakhtoura were invited to a debate on the theme «Dimensions of the freedom of expression» at Noura Hall of the Hilton Metropolitan Hotel.
Great love wedding for Mohammed Fakih and Reem Farra who did not hesitate to put all the necessary resources for the celebration of their marriage. An evening at the Sahara, followed the next day by a dinner at the Four Seasons, all crowned by the magnificent evening at Madinat Jumeirah.
Randa Hibri invited many friends to lunch, in a lively atmosphere at Em Shérif restaurant, where Egyptian singer and dancer animated the atmosphere. The guests spent pleasant moments around a beautiful decor and enjoyed the menu.

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