«Ilik Ya Baalbak», the opening of the International Festival of Baalbeck, is an ode to love and a tribute to the city of the sun. Placed under the theme of solidarity and plurality, the event will join on July 31st on the acropolis, more than thirty Lebanese artists, writers, musicians, poets, orchestra conductors and dancers,
MP Ghassan Moukheiber celebrated his marriage on Sunday, May 3rd with Marina Wakim at St George Greek Orthodox cathedral in downtown. The ceremony was celebrated by Bishop Audi. A beautiful evening at the Phoenicia followed the marriage, during which the guests shared the happiness of the couple in a joyful ambience.
After the four big successes of the «Jounieh International Festival» an event signed PHELLIPOLIS, the non profit association launches today in collaboration with the ministry of Tourism and the Jounieh municipality, the 5th edition of its famous annual festival. It is at ATCL, under the patronage of the minister of Tourism, Michel Pharaon, and in presence of the president of the municipal council, the engineer Antoine Frem,
Each year, series of festivals in Lebanon announce the beginning of the beautiful season: Beiteddine art Festival, Baalbeck festival, Jounieh festival, Zouk festival… that host the cream of the world of spectacle to offer the Lebanese an array of artistic events, where the public is enchanted to select according to his taste.
On the occasion of Nowruz, the New year of the Persian calendar that coincides with the first day of spring. Azar Agha, a real cordon bleu, hosted with great elegance her guest of honor Randa Berri, with many other guests around colorful dishes flavored to perfection.

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