Prestige issue 119, April 2003
Imagine a history dating back 100 million years, the story of an animal that has succeeded where the almighty dinosaurs failed: survive, despite climate changes. Today, a greater threat to the turtle, a danger that was not intended by nature: the destructive hand of man. In Lebanon, it was barely mentioned until the day when a woman met them by chance
Prestige issue 132, May 2004
It's off Marsa Alam, two hours from the shore, that these photos were taken. A wonderful little bay houses these "nice friends" of the man affectionately known as the "dolphin house." Equipped with masks and snorkels-the bubbles produced by scuba equipment would spooked dolphins-we move slowly, cautiously,
Prestige August 2003, issue 123
Our Mediterranean, which caresses the shores of Lebanon, hosts fauna and flora of incredible wealth. We do not realize it but as long as we indulge ourselves in the pleasures of diving, it is a whole world that is revealed to us and that we should think about protecting to save our ecosystem.
Prestige August-Sept 2004, issue 135-136
A city in turmoil. Thousands of inhabitants are turning to their tasks, constantly going back and forth through the winding streets of the colony. At night, the city never sleeps. This is how a coral reef looks like. A true underwater metropolis! Its massive structures made of limestone deposited by living organisms, coral polyps
Prestige issue 124, September 2003
Fascinating pictures. To get them, we had to disturb the world of silence and make no less than twenty dives... by 60 meters deep! Strong running water, poor visibility, all must be taken into account. Wreck diving requires hard training , a very specific technique, and the use of several gas mixtures.
Prestige issue 111, August 2002
The fishermen were accustomed to cast their nets over this particular area of fish off Tripoli. This intrigued Walid Noshie because divers know, fish are attracted by wrecks. Walid therefore decided to explore it with his team of the NISD. After four failed attempts, due to poor visibility and currents, one day per 60 meters deep, an elongated shadow loomed before the astonished eyes of the divers.
Prestige issue 137, October 2004
Surprising, this fascinating and wonderful underwater world that hosts wildlife of extraordinary richness.Let’s discover these species of shapes, colors and with different ways of life.
Prestige issue 243, October 2013
Two years of preparation, 16 days of expedition and 7 hours and 40 minutes straight passed underwater by a single diver in one dive ... A real expedition, a dangerous adventure that requires a high level of professionalism and advanced equipment. Where, when and how does it happen? Prestige takes you to Zimbabwe to discover the mystery of Chinhoyi,
Prestige issue 118, March 2003
Once there was Saidoun, a lost city island, which disappeared into the depths of the sea, an island that created so many legends and raised envy; we end up believing that only it existed in the imagination of Phoenician and Greek historians, until ... when a diver discovered quite by chance, one kilometer off Sidon, the remains of a city.

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